The cell phone is in its infancy as a form of communication (let’s say – in comparison to the age old form of exchanging information – talking) yet I would venture to say that the usage of cell phones is nearly ubiquitous. We don’t just rely on them for conversation anymore but for any number of additional tasks. For many people they are nothing short of ‘life-organizers’.
The latest adaptation to this tool is the ‘app’. An ‘app’ is actually a ‘computer application’ – or a program that is designed to enable your computer (in this case – your phone – which is a mini-computer) to complete a certain activity or group of tasks. If you have an aptitude for designing these ‘apps’ you could potentially make millions of dollars – so popular and vital are they to cell-phone companies and individual users. What follows is one of the more popular ‘apps’ for semi-truck drivers.
*The entire National Trucker’s Service Directory is now available as a FREE app for your phone or touchpad device (any web-enabled smart-phone, iPad, Android pad and more). It includes such features as truck stops and weigh stations, restricted roads and low overpasses; truck parking and rest areas; fuel and mileage information; truck and trailer repair and truck washes; and phone numbers and maps. Perhaps the best thing about this ‘app’ is that OVER 40,000 items and more being added weekly! Follow the directions at:
If you’d like to know more – “google” the term ‘semi-truck driver apps’.
Greg Baumgartner is an 18 wheeler accident lawyer and the founder of the Baumgartner law firm, which is dedicated to helping personal injury victims seek civil justice. If you would like to speak with a truck wreck attorney call the Baumgartner firm.