This is a question that many of our clients ask and the answer depends on several different factors.
Truck accident valuations differ significantly from a car to car crash for these reasons:
Because a commercial policy is involved in truck accident cases and the heightened duties of both the trucking company and the professional driver, cases involving an 18-wheeler and personal injury are usually valued higher than the same damages with a car to car crash.
We have been winning tractor-trailer accident cases for over three decades and have become the go to law firm in the greater Houston area for this type of case. Because of our expertise in suing truck drivers and trucking companies, we are able to fight for maximum compensation in the limited number of cases that we agreed to take. In every case, the amount of damages is dependent upon many different factors. Here are a few considerations:
We use our decades of experience in handling truck crash cases to analyze the severity of the damages for each of our clients. Factors such as the permanent nature of an injury or the recovery Timetable are important considerations. Injuries that are lingering and of a permanent nature tend to be significant factors in considerations by juries. The doctor’s testimony regarding needing future expenses in the costs associated with the treatment are very important in damage assessments.
Juries and the trucking company’s insurance adjusters tend to value the doctor’s testimony more than what the injured victim has to say. Although juries give great weight to treating physicians, and serious damage cases the defense always retains a doctor who will testify to minimize damages.
Other factors that are considerations in damage assessment or whether or not surgery was needed, and hardware installed. Surgical cases are much easier to show a jury the extent of the injury and need for the treatment. Operated cases also tend to minimize the defense tactic of hiring a doctor who justifies surgery is not necessary and the injured person malingering.
Each case is analyzed once the complete medical records have been obtained and the doctors opinions known. There is not a formula that is generally accepted in dealing with a truck crash case.