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Federal motor carrier safety administration updates website

FMCSA updates website.

The federal government has designed their motor carrier safety website to better serve the public. The site now features content which is based upon who you are whether you are a consumer, motor carrier or professional truck driver.

Additionally, the content is now organized based upon subject matter and is much more user-friendly.

Consumers can now access valuable content and safety information. While the site is still under construction, there’s little doubt that it will be much more accessible to find information that the public may find helpful.

One helpful resource is the safety information for travelers and trip planners – directed at those seeking to purchase a bus ticket or charter a bus for group travel.

You can access the safety information for travelers and trip planners by clicking here.

That resource helps consumers research companies to determine the safe company for their bus trip. Recent bus accidents have been in the news, and many times, the company itself is at fault for allowing a driver who was unsafe behind the wheel or providing a bus that was not in safe operating condition.

Having access to resources such as the updated website allows not only consumers to have additional information but also makes it very easy for professional truck drivers to obtain updated information on trucking regulations and proposed rule-making that may affect their livelihood.

Recently, the DOT proposed using electronic logbooks for interstate trucking and bus transportation to help ensure compliance with safety regulations relating to truck driver hours of service. The logbook proposal is set forth on the new website.

While the electronic log book proposal has been criticized by some as expensive, there is little doubt that technology advances, ultimately cuts costs and reduces paperwork. Many old-school trucking companies fight technology that ultimately will make their fleet safer and more cost-effective. Click to view the logbook proposal.

One area that the proposed rule addresses is the dilemma of truck drivers who falsify their logbooks to work more hours and receive more pay. The hours of service regulations were implemented to ensure that truck drivers would not take the road when tired or sleepy from too many hours behind the wheel.

The proposed rule will undoubtedly help companies and officials better regulate the actual driving time of truckers and make our highways safer for everyone.

Consumers and trucking professionals alike will prefer the layout of the new DOT website.

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About Greg Baumgartner

Truck accident lawyer Greg Baumgartner
Greg Baumgartner is a preeminent rated personal injury lawyer based in Houston, Texas, with over three decades of experience representing severely injured clients in truck accidents. He founded Baumgartner Law Firm, in 1985, with a mission to provide excellent legal representation and personalized attention to every client.