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What Compensation Can I Receive for My Big Rig Accident Injuries?

Big rig accident injury compensation.


Truck accidents are common on Houston area roadways. As a major hub in the state, we see more than an average share of 18-wheelers on the highways. When an accident occurs between a truck and a passenger vehicle, the injuries are likely to be serious. If you were hurt in a big-rig accident, you may be entitled to compensation.

Damages in a Big Rig Accident

A truck accident claim aims to obtain a settlement or award for your damages. Damages are economic and non-economic losses due to the accident. Some of the damages that you may incur as a result of the accident include such things as:

  • Medical expenses
  • Costs of medication
  • Ongoing medical care
  • Future medical treatments
  • Physical therapy
  • Lost wages
  • Future lost earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma

And if you have lost a loved one through a trucker’s negligence, wrongful death damages in Texas include:

  • Funeral expenses
  • Loss of earning capacity of the decedent (if they provided for you)
  • Loss of companionship, society, and love
  • The reasonable value of household services
  • Emotional damages

You may incur one, a few, or many types of damages due to the accident. For example, you might suffer a severe injury that requires surgery. You may need to undergo physical therapy following treatment. You may also need to have surgery or other treatment in the future. During this time, you are likely unable to work. The injury was painful, and you may even have emotional trauma because of the accident. Wrongful death from a truck accident values your relationship with the deceased.  The negligent party should cover all of these issues through a settlement or award.

Every Case is Different

Each accident case is different and has a unique set of circumstances. You cannot easily compare what another person received for a settlement because the factors are likely different. A knowledgeable 18-wheeler accident attorney understands these types of cases and will review the facts of your case. Your attorney will work with the insurance company to negotiate a fair settlement that includes payment for all of your economic and non-economic losses.

Quick Settlements Without an Attorney are Rarely Fair

The insurance company often offers you a settlement quickly after the crash. They do this to reduce their payments and resolve the case without complication. Unfortunately, the first offer from the insurance company is often too low and may not cover your expenses. Do not accept a check from the insurance company until your attorney reviews the offer. Once you cash a settlement check or agree to a settlement, you may not be able to take further legal action to get the full money you are owed.

Wait to Discuss Settlement Until You Know Your Injuries

In most cases, you should wait until your injury is completely healed or you have documentation from your physician detailing the future medical care you will require.

Call the best 18-wheeler accident attorney you can find as soon as possible following an accident so you can protect your rights and seek to get the money that the negligent party owes for damages. Our legal team has extensive experience working with truck accident cases. We have obtained millions of dollars for our clients, and we can fight for the money you deserve for your damages. Contact attorney Greg Baumgartner today for a free initial case evaluation.

Call (281) 893-0760!


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About Greg Baumgartner

Truck accident lawyer Greg Baumgartner
Greg Baumgartner is a preeminent rated personal injury lawyer based in Houston, Texas, with over three decades of experience representing severely injured clients in truck accidents. He founded Baumgartner Law Firm, in 1985, with a mission to provide excellent legal representation and personalized attention to every client.