You’ve been a serious 18 wheeler accident and you’re looking for a law firm and are wondering what type of a lawyer do you need for your case. The truth of the matter is that most attorneys who handle some personal injury want to handle semi-truck accident cases because of the insurance available to cover damages. Finding the right 18-wheeler accident lawyer for your case is vital to its success.
Unfortunately, truck accidents are governed by separate rules and regulations from mom-and-pop drivers. Truck drivers require a commercial driver’s license to operate a big rig, and the company that employs them directly or indirectly must also comply with stringent safety rules relating to the driver, the truck, and safety policies. Choosing an 18-wheeler accident attorney with experience helps focus on critical evidence that will boost your claims.
Each of these items requires specialized knowledge that cannot be achieved overnight or on a case-by-case basis. While the ethical rules governing attorneys in the state of Texas require that the attorney has specialized knowledge necessary to handle the case, the simple truth is many lawyers are not adequately familiar with the safety rules or the operation of an 18 wheeler necessary in many cases. An 18-wheeler lawyer will know exactly what needs to be done to maximize your damages and prove the case.
You would not go to an ear nose and throat doctor for a back injury. Going to an attorney who handles primarily 18 wheeler accidents will help ensure that you get the best possible representation for a truck accident claim. Even rear-end truck accidents require a top-notch lawyer.
Not only are attorneys who handle primarily semi-truck accidents knowledgeable about the safety regulations, but they also have access to the needed expert witnesses who may be required to testify about the cause of the wreck, the safety rules, and or their violations. The experience is also helpful in reducing case costs by not having to reinvent the wheel, by handling hundreds of similar cases previously.
One of the things that we suggest that accident victims do when investigating attorneys is to inquire about the specific types of cases that the attorney handles on a day-to-day basis.
A little work upfront can save many headaches later on when you discover that the attorney that you hired may not be the best fit for your case. Be careful in selecting resources to evaluate the attorney because many important-sounding awards reflect a financial relationship with the company sponsoring the awards. We always recommend that consumers look at “peer review” ratings (ratings given only by other attorneys) of the attorneys as a primary source for the competency and ethical background of the lawyer or law firm. We have never lost an 18-wheeler case and have been winning multi-million dollar settlements for over 30 years. Call our award-winning law firm at (281) 893-0760!
Also, a review of the recent results from the attorney can give you a good idea of the type of cases that the attorney handles on an ongoing basis. Likewise, recent client reviews can provide clarity on the type of case that the attorney generally takes. You do not want your attorney learning on the job of your case.
In short, experience does matter, and the best choice for a truck or an 18 wheeler accident attorney is probably an attorney who has a practice centered around commercial vehicle crashes.