Truck accidents can be deadly. The average weight of a truck is about 20 times that of a passenger vehicle. 18-wheelers may weigh up to 80,000 pounds, making them difficult to control and stop. When a big rig crashes into another vehicle, the occupants of the smaller vehicle often suffer catastrophic injuries or fatalities. If you were hurt in a truck accident, you may be facing extensive medical treatment and long-term injuries. The negligent driver should be responsible for your medical bills and other damages such as lost wages, loss of enjoyment of life, and pain and suffering.
Catastrophic injuries are those that are permanent and life-changing. Some of the most common catastrophic injuries include spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, amputations, paralysis, burns, and permanent disfigurement. Injuries can happen due to the sudden and severe impact of a truck. Your head might hit the windshield, or you could break your back or neck. It is not uncommon to suffer a life-threatening injury due to a collision with a truck.
If you suffer a catastrophic injury, you may require months or years of treatment and care. You might be unable to work due to your injury. The costs associated with these severe injuries can be astronomical. The victim may never fully recover, as in penalization and brain injuries. As a victim of a catastrophic injury, you are entitled to future medical care that you will require throughout your life, due to your injury. You are also allowed to get rehabilitation costs, which can also be extensive.
It is important to get medical care immediately following the accident to improve your chances of recovery. Keep records of all your medical evaluations, examinations, treatment, and care. You will need to have this information in order to seek appropriate compensation for your injuries.
An experienced Houston truck accident attorney will assist with the legal process and champion your rights. That way you can put your focus on the important task of recovery.
Always follow the orders and recommendations of your doctor. It may take a long time to see improvement and you may never be the same. You and your family should not have to pay out-of-pocket for the many expenses that you incur because of your injury. The negligent truck driver should be accountable for the damages.
Your attorney will work with the insurance company to negotiate a settlement or prepare your case for trial. Your attorney may get assistance from a medical expert witness to provide details about your prognosis and the need for future care. Often, insurance companies prefer to settle a claim quickly, but more likely your personal injury attorney will need to file a lawsuit to obtain fair compensation. However, if your attorney cannot reach a fair settlement with the insurance company, then you will need a jury to determine responsibility and damages.
You and your family deserve full compensation for your catastrophic injury. We have the experience necessary to help you pursue the compensation you deserve. We have obtained millions of dollars for our clients, and we can help you, too.
Our 35 years of experience in helping truck wreck victims obtain full compensation speaks for itself!
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