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Rear-End Truck Accident Lawyer

lawyer for rear end truck wreck

Our truck accident lawyers in Texas have been winning large settlements for rear-end accident victims for over three decades.

Call (281) 893-0760

Rear-end truck accidents can result in severe injuries to the victims in the front vehicle. A large truck can put a lot of force behind a collision, leading to severe property damage and trauma. Did you suffer injuries in a rear-end truck accident? A truck accident lawyer can help you learn more about your right to compensation and the steps you should take next.

Big Rigs Take Longer to Stop

The average big truck needs a great deal more room to stop than a passenger vehicle. Big trucks may weigh as much as 80,000 pounds when fully loaded. That means a lot of force must come to a full stop–and big trucks often do not have adequate room to stop fast. The extended time needed to stop a big truck is the leading cause of rear-end truck crashes across the nation.

Generally, semi-trucks take 1/3 longer to stop at highway speeds.

rear end truck accident attorney Houston

Is the Trucker Always at Fault if I Get Hit in the Rear?

If you get hit in the rear, the fault may depend on what led to the collision. But most of the time, yes, the trucker should have allowed more distance between vehicles. While most commercial drivers stay within the posted speed limits, some do not. Speeding trucks are especially dangerous.

Did you change lanes abruptly in front of the truck driver?

The average passenger vehicle driver, who may never have had the opportunity to operate or ride in a big truck, may not realize how long it takes to bring a big truck to a full stop and what challenges the driver may face if he tries to stop too fast.

If you changed lanes abruptly in front of the truck driver and slowed down, which did not leave him with enough room to come to a safe stop, you may bear some responsibility for the accident–particularly if, for example, you changed lanes abruptly in an intersection and had to come to a fast stop as a result.

Did the truck driver follow you too closely or fail to stop in time?

If a truck driver decides to follow you too closely without allowing adequate room to bring the truck to a stop, and you must stop abruptly, the truck driver may be liable for the accident.

Truck drivers are responsible for maintaining a safe following distance, whether they’re on level ground or navigating steep hills. Sometimes, however, they may choose to push their rate of speed or linger too close to the car in front of them rather than slow down and reduce the risk of a serious accident.

Did the truck driver’s distraction cause your truck accident?

Even a moment’s distraction–including everything from looking down to checking the GPS to trying to eat while driving–can prove catastrophic for the driver of a big truck.

Truck drivers must respond quickly to potential hazards, including a vehicle stopping before them. If the truck driver’s distraction caused your accident, the truck driver may bear liability.

In rear-end truck accidents, the driver of the vehicle that hits from behind is usually at fault. This is often due to bad braking or following too closely, which are common issues for the driver in the rear vehicle.

Rear-end truck accidents need careful review, especially to see if you stopped before the truck driver. You may also find that additional factors contributed to your rear-end truck collision: for example, if your accident occurred because the truck’s brakes failed, the truck driver’s company, the manufacturer of the truck, or a mechanic that recently worked on the brakes may bear liability for the accident.

Have an experienced tractor-trailer accident attorney evaluate your accident to help better determine liability.

Rear-end Accident Statistics

Rear-end collisions account for around 23% of motor vehicle crashes across the United States. They lead to around 2,000 deaths and an estimated 950,000 injuries each year.

2/3 of truck accidents occur because of driver error, including:

  • Failure to recognize an upcoming hazard that could lead to a crash
  • Incorrect assumptions about the actions another driver will take next
  • Speeding
  • Distraction
  • Following too closely
  • Misjudging vehicle speed

Any of those factors can quickly contribute to a rear-end truck collision.

Texas routinely sees more truck accidents each year than any other state due in part to the high volume of truck traffic that needs to move through the area.

Around 22% of truck accidents are rear-ending collisions with a vehicle in the truck’s travel lane, often due to a truck driver failing to allow following adequate room or another driver pulling out in front of the big truck. Texas truck accident statistics are clear- Texas has a truck accident problem.

Common Injuries in Rear-end Accidents

Rear-end truck accidents can result in severe injuries, especially if the truck has little to no assistance stopping and continues to plow forward for a while before coming to a stop. Common injuries include:

  • Whiplash due to the abrupt back-and-forth movement of the neck during the accident. Chronic whiplash can cause considerable suffering and limited mobility for many victims.
  • Back and neck injuries, including herniated discs or even spinal cord injuries, due to the force experienced by the spine during high-speed collisions.
  • Broken bones. Often, the driver of the vehicle will suffer broken bones in the hands and arms because he braces himself against the steering wheel during the collision.
  • Head injuries are often due to striking the steering wheel, dashboard, or seat during the collision.
  • Severe bruising around the seatbelt. Sometimes, the seatbelt can also cause organ trauma.
  • Facial injuries, particularly if the airbags deploy during the accident.

Rear-end truck accident injuries can cause immense suffering and high medical bills. A truck accident claim can help you pursue the compensation you may deserve for those injuries.

Hire an Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer to Manage Your Truck Accident Claim

If you suffered serious injuries in a rear-end truck collision, you do not have to handle your claim on your own! Instead, contact our truck wreck law firm today to learn more about how we can help you navigate the aftermath of a rear-end truck accident and resulting injuries. Including a personal injury claim that can help you pursue compensation for the financial losses related to your accident.

Call for a Free, no-obligation consultation with an experienced TX truck accident attorney.

(281) 893-0760

Hurt in Austin?

Visit our Austin truck accident page or call 1-866-758-4529

Hurt in Baytown?

Visit our Baytown truck accident page or call 1-866-758-4529

Hurt in The Woodlands?

Visit our The Woodlands truck accident page or call 1-866-758-4529

Hurt in Waco?

Visit our Waco 18wheeler truck accident page or call 1-866-758-4529

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About Greg Baumgartner

Truck accident lawyer Greg Baumgartner
Greg Baumgartner is a preeminent rated personal injury lawyer based in Houston, Texas, with over three decades of experience representing severely injured clients in truck accidents. He founded Baumgartner Law Firm, in 1985, with a mission to provide excellent legal representation and personalized attention to every client.